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赛博体育官方网站| 2020中国农业银行校园招聘考试英语笔试题(二)

发布时间:2023-10-21 点击量:375
本文摘要:知识点3:阅读明白题——短篇(3道题)Governments and central banks like there to be “just enough” growth in an economy — not too much that could lead to inflation getting out of control, but not so little that there is stagnation. Their aim is the so-called “Goldilocks economy” — not too hot, but not too cold.One of the main tools they have to control growth is raising or lowering interest rates. Lower interest rates encourage people or companies to spend money rather than save.But when interest rates are at almost zero, central banks need to adopt different tactics — such as pumping money directly into the financial system.This process is known as quantitative easing, or QE.The central bank buys assets, usually government bonds. It then uses this money to buy bonds from investors such as banks or pension funds. It can also push interest rates lower across the economy. This in turn should allow businesses to invest and consumers to spend more, giving a knock-on boost to the economy.46. It can be inferred from the passage that higher interest rates ______.A. encourage people or companies to spend moneyB. encourage people or companies to save moneyC. lead to inflation getting out of controlD. prevent people from making more money47. According to the passage, what tactic can the government use to control the economic development?A. Raising or lowering interest rates.B. Pumping money directly into the financial system.C. Buying bonds from investors such as banks or pension funds.D. All of above48. What is TRUE about QE according to the passage?A. It represents qualitative easing.B. It only means the tool that pumping money directly into the financial system.C. It is the process to control the economic growth.D. It is adopted when interest rates are at zero.46.【谜底】B。

知识点3:阅读明白题——短篇(3道题)Governments and central banks like there to be “just enough” growth in an economy — not too much that could lead to inflation getting out of control, but not so little that there is stagnation. Their aim is the so-called “Goldilocks economy” — not too hot, but not too cold.One of the main tools they have to control growth is raising or lowering interest rates. Lower interest rates encourage people or companies to spend money rather than save.But when interest rates are at almost zero, central banks need to adopt different tactics — such as pumping money directly into the financial system.This process is known as quantitative easing, or QE.The central bank buys assets, usually government bonds. It then uses this money to buy bonds from investors such as banks or pension funds. It can also push interest rates lower across the economy. This in turn should allow businesses to invest and consumers to spend more, giving a knock-on boost to the economy.46. It can be inferred from the passage that higher interest rates ______.A. encourage people or companies to spend moneyB. encourage people or companies to save moneyC. lead to inflation getting out of controlD. prevent people from making more money47. According to the passage, what tactic can the government use to control the economic development?A. Raising or lowering interest rates.B. Pumping money directly into the financial system.C. Buying bonds from investors such as banks or pension funds.D. All of above48. What is TRUE about QE according to the passage?A. It represents qualitative easing.B. It only means the tool that pumping money directly into the financial system.C. It is the process to control the economic growth.D. It is adopted when interest rates are at zero.46.【谜底】B。剖析:推断题。凭据题干关键词interest rates定位至文章第二段Lower interest rates encourage people or companies to spend money rather than save. 低利率勉励人们或公司花钱,而不是存钱。由此可以推断高利率会引起相反的行为,即勉励人们或公司存钱,而不是花钱。

故谜底选B。A项是低利率会引起的行为,且是文章原句,不是推断,清除;凭据文章首句Governments and central banks like there to be “just enough” growth in an economy — not too much that could lead to inflation getting out of control... 可知是增长太快容易导致通胀失控,不是指高利率,故C项错误;D项“阻止人们赚更多的钱”在文中没有提到,清除。综上所述,谜底选B。


凭据A项可定位至文章第二段首句One of the main tools they have to control growth is raising or lowering interest rates. 他们控制经济增长的主要手段之一是提高或降低利率。由此可知A项是举措,正确;凭据B项定位至文章第三段But when interest rates are at almost zero, central banks need to adopt different tactics — such as pumping money directly into the financial system. 但当利率险些为零时,央行需要接纳差别的计谋——好比直接向金融体系注资。由此可知B项是举措,正确;凭据C项定位至原文最后一段前两句话The central bank buys assets, usually government bonds. It then uses this money to buy bonds from investors such as banks or pension funds. 央行会购置政府债券。然后用这些钱从银行或养老基金等投资者手中购置债券。


48.【谜底】C。剖析:细节题。凭据题干关键词QE定位至倒数第二段This process is known as quantitative easing, or QE. 这一历程被称为量化宽松。

再联合前文可知this process指的就是政府和央行控制经济增长的历程。故谜底选C。A项错在qualitative;B项错在only,太过绝对;凭据第三段But when interest rates are at almost zero...(当利率险些为零时)可知D项错在缺少almost。


